Catalog of Biochemistry Bulk Reagents




Product Name

Product Type

Performance characteristics

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Anti-CCP raw material R1

Bulk Reagent

nearity 25-500,Aviod RF interference

Anti-CCP raw material R2

Bulk Reagent


RF raw material R1

Bulk Reagent

Linearity 2-600,

Consistency with Roche over 98%

RF raw material R1

Bulk Reagent


ASO raw material R1

Bulk Reagent


ASO raw material R2

Bulk Reagent


KL-6 raw material R1

Bulk Reagent

Linearity 10000U/mL,

The correlation with Sekisui , γ2>0.95

KL-6 raw material R2

Bulk Reagent


MMP-3 raw material R1

Bulk Reagent


MMP-3 raw material R2

Bulk Reagent


Kidney Function

β2-MG raw material R1

Bulk Reagent

Linearity up to 80mg/L

β2-MG raw material R2

Bulk Reagent


MALB- raw material R1

Bulk Reagent


MALB- raw material R2

Bulk Reagent


α1-MG-raw material R1 (blood/urine)

Bulk Reagent



Bulk Reagent


UTRF raw material R1

Bulk Reagent


UTRF raw material R2

Bulk Reagent


RBP raw materials R1 (urine)

Bulk Reagent


RBP raw materials R2 (urine)

Bulk Reagent


β2-MG raw material R1(urine)

Bulk Reagent


β2-MG raw material R2 (urine)

Bulk Reagent


UKappa raw material R1

Bulk Reagent


UKappa raw material R2

Bulk Reagent


ULambda raw material R1

Bulk Reagent


ULambda raw material R2

Bulk Reagent


Calibrator of Urine protein



Multiple quality control of Urine protein

Quality control


Other Specific Proteins

CKMB raw material R1

Bulk Reagent

Correlation with Roche CLIA product ~0.97

CKMB raw material R2

Bulk Reagent


HAP raw material 

Bulk Reagent


AGP raw material

Bulk Reagent


AAT raw material

Bulk Reagent


Specific protein calibrator



Specific protein control

Quality control


Low value quality control for

Quality control


Priority Recommended Assay  

Anti-CCP 2nd Generation Latex Enhanced Immunoturbidimetric Reagent 

The linearity range is 25-500U/mL 

Normally the serum level of Anti-CCP antibody in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is tens of times higher than the serum level of normal people, while the linearity of latex enhancing immunoturbidimetric reagents currently used in the market is only 3-4 times of the reference range, and the reference range of the second-generation Anti-CCP immunoturbidimetric reagents can better meet the needs of clinical diagnosis and treatment. (Reference range 45U/mL)

Perfermance of Anti-CCP ( immunoturbidimetry)